Girl: do you even want to be with me forever ? 
Boy: NO 
Girl: do you even like me ? 
Boy: NO 
Girl: would you cry if I walked away ? 
Boy: NO 
She heard enough and was hurt...she walked away with tears in her eyes. 
The boy grabbed her arm 
Boy: your not pretty..... Your beautiful 
Boy: I don't want to be with you forever..... I need to be with you forever 
Boy: I don't like you ..... I love you 
Boy:I wouldn't cry if you walked away..... I would die if you walked away 
Boy whispers: plzz stay with me 
Girl whispers: I will..... 

•Tonight at midnight your True love will realize he loves you 
•Something good will happen to you @ 1-4 p.m. 
• Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!! 
• Get ready for the shock of your life!
I want you to hug me 
when I get scared 
I want you to kiss me 
when I act like a kid 
I want you to care for me 
when I’m sick 
I want you to listen to me 
when I wanna say something 
I want you to understand my 
silence when I don’t have words 
to express what I feel 
I want you to love me 

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